You and your child’s safe social space

As parents we want a safe space for our children to explore, make friends and develop socially. This is made better when we also have the chance to socialise and make friends with parents in a similar season of life to us. This is why Sparklers: Parents and Tots group was created.

In a rural community like ours, there can be fewer and fewer groups to take our children too and this can lead to parents feeling trapped and beginning to ask the question if anyone cares about you and your child.

At Sparklers we understand what it is like to be a new parent and to journey with our children in such foundational years of their lives. Sparklers was created in 2007 to support parents and tots in Attleborough and the surrounding villages.

Our first advice is to get in touch with us, come along to the next session and meet some new friends whilst your child explores and develops socially.

We meet on Fridays at 10am at the Lighthouse on Hargham Road.

We look forward to welcoming you into sparklers where you'll find community and a safe space for your child' social development.


Lighthouse Education